I like fish - very calming - but there really are some seriously weird fish out there. For example: cowfish. I mean, imagine being starving on a desert island. After days of effort, you finally catch a fish and it's a cowfish. Would you eat it? I doubt I would... :)
Elsewhere, there were further tramp sightings. Popping outside for some fresh air during lunch in a superheated pub, I discovered a sleeping tramp/drunk on the other side of a low wall. I tried to hide him from Sally (always one to try and make Hull look better) but had to give in and admit there was a nearby tramp (again!). *But* even with disclaimers on Sally's own Blog, I have it on best authority that a tramp lives in one of the Superloos in Huddersfield, those ones in the street where you pay 20p and it opens up? Imagine being caught completely short, paying your money, only to have the door slide open and a tramp come out - arms waving, muttering incomprehensibly.
So the moral to this tale?
Everywhere else> Hull > Huddersfield. ;-)