Saturday, July 23, 2005

More hits than an Amish website

Yes, it's true. I've figured it out - all possible because of the help of Gareth who's ability to explain it in non-jargon has been rewarded with a Blog-link of his very own. I'm now able to count the number of hits this Blog recieves. Yesterday I got ten. *TEN* That's ten real people checking for more random utterances from yours truely (plus some revisits).

Pretty darn good, I'd say, considering that this ain't Harry Potter. ;-)

Other stuff (a) Am off to Rich and Louise's wedding today/tomorrow so no more blogging from me until Monday. (b) If you're a Star Wars fan, do check out the IMPS link. If not, *AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE*


GF said...

I'm so glad my instructions weren't too geeky/techie - glad it worked for you.

Thanks for the link, I've returned the favour. I'm not sure it'll help your readership mind you, but you will be able to see where your visitors came from no, so they might come from my blog! :)

James said...

Cheers, mate. :-)