Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Time Sinks

It's finally happened. I have time on my hands. Not much, granted, but some. Thesis is in - the corrected version - the storm of paperwork is over - so I'll graduate in January - and I've sent the latest issue of the Quarterly - the postgraduate Journal I edit (with lots of help!) - to the BPS for printing. So, erm... what now?

Papers. Writing papers - I'm supposed to scrape up two and send them off for publication by Xmas. Jackson, Coyne & Clough (2006) anyone? But this new-found freedom has coincided with lots of new computer games - and the pressure on me isn't as much as I need to get things done. Civ IV, The Movies, WoW, Guild Wars... I'm just thankful that Oblivion has been delayed. That thing could be the biggest time-sink of all time.

Feeling slightly geeky (this is a 32-year old talking here),

1 comment:

Sal said...

Did you just cite your source at me? ;-) Love, the G/F. xxx