Thursday, January 05, 2006

Happy New Year Everybody!!

Yep, it's 2006.

And I'm back in Hull and trying to get some work done. As you may have guessed, I backed up a few days before Christmas and went back to York. From there - after a few tasteful pressies on Christmas Day itself - in was on to Sally in Huddersfield, and then the two of us off down to Twickenham to see in the New Year with my old school friends Alex and Julian. A good time had by all. The food was plentiful, the drink was everywhere, and sooner or later, I think I'll have to come up with a good New Year resolution. You know, like get a long-term job somewhere, not just deal in short-term contracts. Get a little bit fitter, write a best-selling book and make my fortune, that sort of thing.

Until pigs fly, I wish you all luck with yours. :-)

Happy New Year everyone (belatedly).

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