Monday, December 11, 2006

August 23rd, 2008

That's the date of Eddie and Yvonne's wedding so I'm told. By Sally. And she should know, as we were at Eddie and Yvonne's engagement party in Barrow on Saturday night and Eddie pointed out the church and told her so. That's a good week before my 35th birthday [see how I turned that post into something about me. Good eh? ;-)] Thanks to Mik and Karolina for the lift, btw. I very much enjoyed it, and funnily enough, it was my first time across the Humber Bridge in twenty years at least. Cue second fascinating fact of the day - that the stanchions of the bridge are four inches nearer each other at the top then they are at the bottom - purely due to the curvature of the Earth. More geeky facts later? Who can tell.

Anyhow, Hull actually looks somewhat stunning from several miles away. Across an estuary. At night. And only then, probably... ;-)


Jase said...

Surely they would be further apart at the top, not the other way around?

James said...

Maybe, but maybe not. I'm pretty sure I heard it right - then again, I'm deaf... After all, the further up you go, the less the earth needs to revolve to have the same effect. So four inches less to do the same job.

James said...

Or maybe not... lol

Sal said...

I was there Jase. You're right, James is wrong. An experiment with an orange and some pointy things would prove this, but since we are gifted with *common sense* we won't need to try it. Apologies for not leaping to your defence James but... meh.