Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Dad's back

Well, that's a relief. After a busy week kicked off at this end, Dad ended up in hospital last week. He went to the GP on Tuesday afternoon and was in hospital an hour later - something to do with excess fluid on his chest. I went back to York soon after and of course, Internet is a bit ropey back at the parents - and I had other things on my mind. But the good news is (a) that York District Hospital is now pretty good - much better than the blood-encrusted ward he ended up on when he had his stroke a few years ago - and he came out of hospital after only the one night, feeling much better than before. :)

Since then, I have now caught up on everything at this end. It's a busy time as the 2nd year are choosing their 3rd year project supervisors - after listening to presentations from each lecturer - and I'm 3rd year tutor and thus running all of the presentations.


Jase said...

Glad your Dad is better. Give him our best wishes.

GF said...

Scares when people get rushed into hospital are always bad things.

Glad all's turned out well.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you dad is better. All the best.


Kean_Silvester said...

Glad your Dad is better.
How i enjoyed the football conversations with Jimmy Jacko on the blower!!!