Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Cherie Booth is speaking here at Uni tomorrow. *sob*


Anonymous said...

Heh heh. Try not to think about how she makes so much more money than you do just because she's married to Blair. Tee hee. Tory git :-) Sal x

Jase said...

I thought James had gone Purple?

I have to say that Cherie has managed to go downhill a lot further than even Tony whilst in power!!!

Sal said...

He goes purple if you accuse him of being on the fence :-)

If you mean half tory, half labour, he's kind of a mauve at the moment!

Jase said...

I was kind of infering UKIP!

James said...

I've never voted UKIP! (And never will, fingers crossed)

I'll admit, I'm *trying* to vote Tory, but they end up being a bit too rubbish for my liking. I did vote Referendum Party once though. Me and 1 million other Tories who just couldn't bring ourselves to vote for John Major in 1997. ;-)

GF said...

So what is it about the Tory party then? Is it simply that they are the opposition to what we have now?

See I fluctuate in my voting never just voting for the same party regardless, the thing is I struggle to see what real true policies Cameron and the Tories have....I mean come on they can't even agree on Grammar schools!

James said...

He's just picking a fight there to seem "modern". In truth, the Tories seem too scared to stand up for what they believe is right, and instead mouth off about the environment - it's fine to stick a windmill on your house if you're rich - and try not to offend people. It was cctually that "Hug a hoodie" speech that put me off Cameron. The twa*. ;-)

Anonymous said...

UKIP??? Referendum Party???

Pah, wimps, the lot of ya. Monster Raving Loonie is the only party to vote for (and yes I did whilst I lived at my last place).