Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Hee hee!

I haven't updated in ages.

No worries though, as tomorrow, I will be uploading a photo of the GIGANTIC marking pile I've been working through this last fortnight. Go go gadget hand cramp!


Jase said...

At your age I would have thought you didn't get cramp in your "writing" hand any more!

GF said...

Ha-ha!! Brilliant....

Jason writes exactly what I was thinking....

Jase said...

I've been doing that for years!

James said...

Don't you people know that you're supposed to use your *other* hand, and to sit on it so it goes numb first? Thereby making it seem like it's somebody else...

Sheesh. Some people don't know anything. ;-)

Jase said...

Is that really how you drink your beer?

PS I think I saw some "Schoolgirls" trying that in a foreign film back in the good old days of Channel 4's foreign film seasons.