Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Oooh, scary!!

2.30pm on Thursday, September 22nd, 2005. Dress code: smart casual.

Yep, it's viva time. My (2hr?) oral examination on the 285 pages (minus appendices) of Thesis that I've spent the last four years writing. No place to hide, hopefully, no need to hide. Funnily enough, I'm looking forward to it. For the first time in years, I'll be in a situation where I can talk about my Thesis and my two examiners won't be able pop out for a quick fag or mumble excuses about having an urgent doctor's appointment. Yes, I get to talk about my work. And talk, and then talk some more. It'll be fun!!

Weird, aren't I? No, no need to confirm that in the comment box... :-)

Plus, Dave and I have sorted out the relevant paperwork for the house so it's back to Hull to sign that contract. Raglan Street, here we come!!

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