Friday, April 13, 2007

The *OTHER* Ultimate Question!

Much as I'd like to continue the Pirates vs. Ninjas debate, I have news about other "Ultimate Questions". ;-) I held off mentioning it for a day or so so I could tell most "Hull" people face to face (note: if you're not a Hull person and you haven't been told, don't worry - you're one of many that I'll be catching up with as workload permits), but I'd like to announce that Sally and I got engaged over the Easter Weekend. I asked, she said yes. I'd like to post a picture or three but I'm sat in York, struggling away with my parent's spyware-ridden, crappy laptop and it's quite the miracle I'm posting at all(!)

Still, I am now engaged to the lovely Sally Hugo (27). Probable wedding date Spring 2009. I hope it will be the opportunity I need to get back into/keep in touch with all the cracking friends I made in Edinburgh and Sheffield over the years. Once I'm back in Hull (and work) Monday morning, I'll be taking the time - I hope, students pleading for help on their projects get in the way - to e-mail a lot of you (separately - round robin e-mails suck big time!) Gentlemen, start your drinking engines. Ladies, to the hat shop. ;-)

1 comment:

GF said...

Congratulations James and Sally........great news!!! :)

Glass appropriately raised.