Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Ultimate Question

Sorry guys, haven't Blogged much lately. I've been in Huddersfield a lot, taking advantage of a week's holiday *and* the extended Easter weekend. But in all that time, I have been pondering one of life's eternal questions: Ninjas or Pirates. Which are cooler?

Now, this is a tricky one so I've thought up some cunning tests to see once and for all.

(1) Zombification. I think Pirates win this one. After all, Zombie Pirates are perfectly acceptable. Ghostly pirate ships coming up from the sea bed, that sort of thing. But zombie ninjas?? I think we'll all know that they'll be rubbish!! 1-0 pirates.

(2) From the future. Space pirates are all the rage. Reavers in Firefly; lots of other precedents... But they'll be two-a-penny. Futuristic ninjas on the other hand would be extremely rare, high-end spec with light-bending stealth subroutines and thus very, very cool indeed - not to mention dangerous. So 1-1.

(3) Five-a-side football. This is hard. I can see the ninjas having superior ball control skills, but that the pirates would have the bigger build and the more effective tackling. I can see the pirates keeping a clean sheet and while they might have trouble scoring, they'll always be a threat. So, surprisingly enough, Pirates are better. 2-1.

Discuss. ;-)


Anonymous said...

disagree with 2) - there are plenty of Space Pirate wannabes - the Reavers for instance. I mean these guys know they'll never be as "Pirate Cool" as Mal, hence why they're so pissed at the Universe.

Besides, Pirates are way cooler than Ninjas.. it's why the decline in Pirates has directly lead to an increase in Global Warming!!!


GF said...

Space Pirates were feared throughout the universe when I played Elite on the BBC micro aged 8, so I suggest they've been around longer....

...I mean I've never heard of a Space Ninja, though with those sorts of skills the film Sereneity comes to mind....

Jase said...

Yar! Pirates 4 the Win!

PS Mega-Grats!

Ceri said...

pirates definitely win there is no contest

Unknown said...

jim lad get yourself on facebook.com