Thursday, July 28, 2005

So close, I can almost touch it.

It's *almost* done. I've almost got to the stage where I can hand it in. I've been fairly quiet during the last few days - and that's not because I've got bored of blogging. Far from it. It's just that I've a Thesis to finish. But having said that, I've written more than I could have hoped for in the last few days. Only a couple of thousand words granted, but a couple of thousand concluding words that seem to draw everything together and make sense at the same time. Right now, I'm printing out my Appendices. I'll finish up soon, head round to Hardy Street - where I'm crashing out (big thank you to Eddie, Mik and Will as ever), and have a couple of drinkies. Tomorrow morning, it's the title page, the contents pages, the abstract, the acknowledgements, and another go at that dodgy-looking correlation matrix on page 103. Damn you Table Seven!! ;-)

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