Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Perils of an open microphone

Taken from the BBC news website:

Forget prime minister, Mr Blair, or even plain old Tony. The new way to address the prime minister, we learn, is "Yo Blair". That at least is how George Bush greets the PM in private, according to unguarded remarks they both made in front of an open G8 microphone.

We also learn how Mr Blair refers to international commerce as "this trade thingy".

And there was some strong language used as well. The US president apparently believes the Middle East conflict could be ended if only pressure were put on Syria "to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit".

Since Jason also mentioned the whole Israel vs Hezbollah in Lebanon thing, I thought I would, even if only to discuss the above perils of nattering away in front of activated microphones. Is it just me annoyed to find that the leader of my country is referred to as "Blair" - as in "Yo Blair!" - by George Bush. Adds a certain hierarchy, doesn't it? I mean, if I was at a conference and my head of department, sprawled across a chair, called me over with a "Yo Jackson!", I'd be miffed. Having said that, I didn't mind the "trade thingy" at all, as it makes Tony sound a bit human - rare for someone tucked away in the Downing Street bunker for nine years - and Geroge Bush was actually talking a little bit of sense there too.

But "Yo Blair"? Grrrrr.

Aha. Found it. Just click on the video.


GF said...

You should maybe post a link to the video that I placed on Jase's blog, that way people can see for themselves just how ridiculous the whole thing was.....

James said...

I thought about that. I saw it on the BBC last night - with subtitles so we could actually make it all out. Can't find a link to that one though. :-(

GF said...

Seems that it's not diffent how people discuss things at the top than at any coffee machine in offices across the land....Thing is, I don't know if that make me feel better or worse?

Rena said...

I thought it was funny; in the same league as "I need to go to the bathroom" (Bush to Rice at the UN or similar high-powered meeting thingy...lol).

Bush has clearly read "The Middle East Problem for Dummies" as well. If only it were as simple as "everything will be OK if A stops slapping B"!

GF said...

Yeah but we all know that A slaps B, because U and S are behind them. A bit like the kid in school who relied on his big brother to get him out of trouble so ran around hitting everyone.....

Rena said...


(and BTW the word verification thingy looked very like "bullied" or was that my mind playing tricks again..?)