Thursday, November 02, 2006



I haven't updated in a little while, have I?

Well, I have had an excuse the last couple of days. Sally and I decided to take a long weekend so I went over to Huddersfield first thing Friday morning, and didn't get back to Hull first thing Wednesday morning. You should have seen my inbox. ;-)

Still, it was a good break. We even squeezed in a trip to Castle Bolton and an overnight stay in a lovely little hotel nearby - The Wensleydale Heifer. Sally managed to blag a much cheaper room that the advertised price since it was the Monday night and so we went, and we very much enjoyed it. Even the little waterfall just outrside the window. Bit of a hefty drive for Sally though, so we needed a hotel room if we were to stick to the plan, and it was good to get something decent-plus. Check out the rooms on the website. They're pretty good. It specialised in seafood too - not my usual thing, but they did it well.

Castle Bolton was good too. Right out on the hilltops, it must have been very cold in the olden days. Belonged to the Scropes, it did. Fabled for being decent sorts, much honour in battle and so on, *but* with a nasty habit of being on the wrong side in every conflict. War of the Roses: York. The Civil War: the King. And numerous other disagreements. The Scropes were on the losing side every time. :)


Jase said...

I'm suprised the castle is still standing if they lost so often!
You need to take your share of the driving, and I don't mean by producing a running commentary from the passenger seat! :P

James said...

You mean drive Sally's car? In a "being allowed to drive Sally's car" kind of way? lol. Sorry Jase, but I don't think I'll ever be allowed to do that. :)

Sal said...
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Sal said...

So much as one gear crunch in my car and he'd be back in the passenger side faster than light, Jase. :-) Would also shudder to think what insuring him that thing would be like. Of course, when he gets his own car... :-)

Jase said...

James - Click Me.