Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The awesome power of Blogging

Yes, here it is as promised. Reading this very Blog spurred Rich into action. Thanks mate, I do appreciate it when you're so busy. Am a bit miffed that Louise had her laptop (with wedding seating arrangements) nicked so close to the wedding, but now the one *bad thing* has happened, your wedding should go like clockwork. I'm very much looking forward to it. How old is this photo, would you say? Three years, maybe four? Elsewhere, my cup of tea tastes rubbish. Still, that's what you get for finding an open bag of teabags that have been hidden behind your office curtain for so long, you've no idea how long they've been there. I'm betting months, but thankfully, that they can't be as old as this photo. :-)


Jase said...

Jim - You look so scared!

James said...

No I don't. That's *awe*. ;-)