Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Too much to think about

Ah, lots to sort at the moment.

So much so: boiler, sky engineer, TOC, LTAC, SSC (don't ask), lectures, Fresher's Week, house jobs and so on, that when I came back from a lovely weekend at Sally's, I clambered out of the taxi with my bags - including bathroom shelf and bedroom ceiling lampshade - and I left my wallet behind.


Next day, cancelled my cards only to have a generous soul - bit monosyllabillic but you can't have everything - ring the university to let me know he'd found it. I was able to go round to his place of work (a reception at a local hotel) and get it back. Shame about the fact that I don't have any bank cards until Friday, but you can't have everything, eh? But I did get my wallet back, and my Boots Advantage card and my Staff card and the odd rail ticket. Could have been far worse!


GF said...

You are very lucky I must say, I didn't expect you'd ever see it again.

That is very good to know there are some good souls around...

Jase said...

Heh... I dropped my wallet on a BMI flight to Glasgow once.
I realised it was missing when I got to Clydebank so I rang the airline and they hadn't found it.
I cancelled all my cards and about 2 hours later got a call from BMI Lost Property in Heathrow to say that it had been found by cleaners and that I could pick it up that night!
Like you I was without a cash/credit card for a week - which turned out to be very tricky!