Friday, October 06, 2006

Cry for help (Battlestar related)

Hi guys,

A lonh time between blogs and I'm planning for two to come along at once... :-) But this first one is likely to be the most important of the two. Alas, I've had to cancel my Sky subscription as I've moved to a second floor flat. Outside the flat, between me and the Astra satellite are some gigantic trees that will block the signal unless I put a dish on my roof. Alas, it's not *my* roof so I'm not allowed. I'm currently investigating other options but with the added complicated of a Kingston Communication phone line - not a BT one - it's terrestrial TV for me at the moment. Now, I'm distraught at the prospect of not being able to see Battlestar Galactica Series 3. There is hope in that I can get someone else to record it - both Sally and my parents spring to mind - but I have no idea when it starts. Can someone tell me when Galactica Season Three is trasmitted on Sky so I can do something about it? I know that sneaky types can download episodes and watch them, but with my hearing, I need the subtitles - which can be recorded if watched through a Sky digibox. If anyone out there can offer assistance in allowing me to watch Galactica (w/subtitles) in any way whatsoever, I will be very, very grateful - and far less tense. ;-)

I'll make it worth your while!!


GF said...

Hi James - great to see you're still with us - I for one was getitng worried, though my few posts and comments on other blogs asking where you were always resulted in a wall of silence!!!

I would have offered to d/l them for you, but with subtitles requirement there is nothing I can do to help mate as I don't have Sky. Otherwise a recording to Media Center and then 'emailling' would have been the answer.

Yes I know, it's a changed world when you can email a TV show isn't it?!?!

Good luck on your quest...

Rena said...

If we Sky+ them does it record the Subtitles?

Secondly to record to VCR and keep the subtitles, do we just need to have them on screen?

We'll see what we can do.

Jase (Logged in as Rena)

Anonymous said...

Forums currently are guessing at 17th October for S3E01.

Jase said...

Assuming I can get this to work, I assume that VHS is acceptible? I can try DVD, but I am not convinced that my recorder is up to much!

James said...

Heya. Yep, as long as you record with the subtitles on screen, the subtitles are recorded. This doesn't work with page888 on ceefax, but if does work through a sky box as these are "captions", not subtitles. A DVD would be funky, but good ol' VHS will do. Obviously, I will reimburse for postage and so on. :-)

Jase said...

I'll see what works! My VCR is a bit flaky, so I may Sky+, Write to DVD and then Rip on my PC to MPG. You can then watch them on your PC.

Jase said...

I'll do a trial with something entertaining and you can see how you get on! Is your broadband up and running yet?

James said...

Oh, I've had broadband for months. No worries there. :)

Jase said...

So the official verdict on BSG Season 3 is....
Well the Americans Love it! Its the first time the US Sci-Fi channel has come close to its rivals in the prime time viewing figures!
As for Sky and the UK season start... Still no comment!
This means January! (The B'stards) :(