Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Took most of last Wednesday off - as I had a hospital appointment in York at 9.45am the next day and it seemed a good excuse to wander off early and see the parents. Appointment went well. My hearing isn't good - as we all know! - but it hasn't got any worse either. Even better, I'm going to get some new digital hearing aids (RRP £1,7000 each) on the NHS, the downshot being that I'll have to wait 3-4 months for the fitting. But this is great as they're ITE (in the ear) and I thought NHS ones would have to be theose horrible behind-the-ear ones - and that I would have had to go private (again) and pay through the nose for ITE. So, Thursday was good. Sally had a job interview in Leeds on Friday morning so I joined her there straight afterwards - fingers remain crossed - before we went back to Huddesfield for the weekend (and Spring Bank Holiday). So, barring a little bit of work on Wednesday morning, I haven't worked at all from Wednesday 24th May-Tuesday 30th May. Now that's pretty good - or pretty bad, considering. Even better, I've had my contract extended. I thought I would be out of a job come end of this month, but I've had a stay of execution until end of July. Two whole extra months.

Hull it is. Still. And if this lecturer strike continues, I'll get more work still. :-)


GF said...

How can you mention getting your contract extended and also doing virtually no work in one week in the same paragraph?!?!

I am impressed - mightily. You should become a consultant! :)

Jase said...

How much are those aids? I think you have an extra zero up there... either that or I'd put em on EBay and buy a car!

James said...

Nope. That's the RRP. The ones I've got now were £3,300 (for the pair) at the time (1999/2000). Plus, I kind of need them... ;-)

PS. Thanks Gareth. No finer praise! :-)