Monday, May 08, 2006

Lack of lack of things leaping out at me

I was about to say that no Blog topic was leaping out at me for today, but that's not quite true. Something did. Dave got back from his weekend earlier. I got back from mine last night (more on that in a little bit), so we were just catching up, chatting away in the office. Not quite sure how long IT was there, but while we were talking, we were suddenly aware of a *HUGE* wasp on Dave's knee. It's a small office too, so Dave and I were scrambling out of the room at speed. Given a little composure, we came back in and killed the little bugger with a rolled-up newspaper and gave it the burial at sea (down the toilet) it probably didn't deserve. Then I remembered, like I do every year and then forget again, that wasps float. Three flushes it took. Three.

Anyway, my weekend. I'll have to rustle up some pictures and ramble on in a way no-one cares (no comments please, I'll just delete them. lol) about Memory Lane at some point, but for now, it's just enough to say that Sally and I celebrated a year together by spending the weekend at a hotel near my old school in York. We're also fiercely resisting becoming some sort of God-awful "Jally" couple. ;-) Whether we'll succeed, only time will tell. However, I can tell you that we concur on one thing at least. Champagne cocktails are great!!


GF said...

Champagne cocktails are great - I agree completely.

What's 'jally'?

James said...

James + Sally should --> James *and* Sally. (Or Sally and James, 'natch). It's "Jally" that you should watch out for - the merging of two otherwise sensible people into one of those Bridget Jones couples than turns smugly to single people and say "So, how's the love life?". ;-)

Jase said...

Which hotel Jally?

Did you go for a pint in the Old Grey Mare?

James said...

There is no Jally, silly. That's the point. You can ask me though, or you can ask my girlfriend - Sally.

Jase said...

Which hotel James or Sally?

Did you go for a pint in the Old Grey Mare?

James said...

lol. Good man!! :-) We were in Marmadukes, down St Peter's Grove. Other side from Dronfield, about 50 yards further. Didn't go to the Old Grey mare, though we did drive past Clifton Green twice. We went to The Blue Bicycle, which was nice. ;-)

GF said...

Ha!! OK I see it now, that makes sense sort of.

What if you are one of the single people, does that mean your name becomes simply 'J' - like in Men In Black?

James said...

Ooooh, that's quite cool, Gareth. I never thought of that. But I can guarantee that Sally won't like me liking that idea. Well, at least I hope she doesn't!

Sal said...

Heh. No Jallys here, but I think quoting Bridget Jones - the ultimate chick flick - is not really helping in the noble fight to stay one of the lads. We need to get some more lager and curry down you. :-)

Anonymous said...

Ok dude...

In the same posting/blog you have pointed out that when it comes to wasps, yer a wimp, and you've mentioned Bridget Bloody Jones' Bloody Diary..

You are getting damn close to being offically OUT of the "Man Club" *grin*


James said...

lol. Good point.