Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Calmer waters - unless you're Dave

I feel much better today. All the hassles of the weekend are gone, replaced by a fascination of the media storm surrounding Dave. I'd best explain it. Unlike me, Dave decided to put together a poster to present down at the BPS conference in Cardiff. He gives good poster does Dave - and lavished an awful lot of time on this one. The BPS press office chose it as one to release in their press blurb and since then. he's been on local radio, Irish radio, in the papers and now Look North. Or at least, he was at breakfast time and lunchtime - and now, he's been persuaded into the Hull studio to do a pre-recorded sofa piece for tonight's programme. 6.30pm tonight (Tuesday) if you're in the Yorkshire/Lincolnshire region. Nice one, mate. It was weird though. I went along to last night's shoot. Took an hour, with one woman doing all the camerawork, questions, everything. Well, everything save turning the microphone on... They had to repeat everything!! Since Dave's stuff is Sports Psychology, they wanted shots in the gym. So behind Dave, a few students were lined up to lift some heavy weights as a backdrop. *heavy* weights. Then they had to do it all again. lol. I felt so sorry for them, they were knackered.

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