Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Spring mode

It's raining, it's horrible outside, and do you know why? It's because I've gone into "Spring mode". Yep, it's that time of year when the weather gets confusing. Rain. Sun. Rain. Sun. More rain. So much so, that I can't work out in the morning - it's hard at 8am - what the weather will be like. So I've decided that it's time to switch over to the lighter jacket, come what may.

As such, it's been raining three days straight. Sorry everyone, all my fault.


Anonymous said...

Try waiting until 10 am when you actually *leave* the house? :-)

James said...

You're just jealous. :-)

Kean_Silvester said...

aaah april showers.........you're alright mate its 37 degrees here in india....im on my back most of the time not even my new 'tache is stopping the sweat pour. But i chose to be here so there you go. Good luck with the lighter jacket bold move. :o)